Prakasham – An Innocent Migrant

His Story

This story is about an innocent migrant ‘Prakasham’. We rescued him from a border village Jasraur near Amritsar. He was enslaved by a guru Sikh family for 15 years. This family is a well known Jamindar family in the area who had around 40 acres of land. They captured him from roadside and kept him as a slave. During the day, they forced him to do work in their farm. He was forced to clean and lift buffalo dung among other works. And at night, they used to tie his leg with iron chains so that he should not be able to escape from their clutches. He was forced to sleep on an iron bed and he was under 24*7 camera surveillance to make sure he does not escape. He has survived a living hell for 15 years. We are unable to find his home yet. He says he is from Tamil Nadu or Mumbai.

Rescue Videos

Snapshots of Reality