Naresh Kumar, a native of Gujarat, endured a decade of unimaginable suffering. Enslaved by a retired Junior Engineer from the electricity department, Naresh's life was a living nightmare. For over ten years, he was subjected to relentless abuse and forced labor. His captors, instead of showing any remorse,...
Balwinder Singh, once a skilled embroidery craftsman with a thriving business, saw his life unravel after his wife left him. The emotional turmoil left him mentally distressed, and he ended up living on top of a roadside toilet tank for the past 15 years. Despite his dire circumstances,...
For the past 15 years, a destitute man had been wandering the streets of Patiala city. He spent 2-3 years living on the road outside Rajindra Hospital. Despite previous rescue attempts, he had always managed to move away before help could reach him. This time, however, a young...
Bir Pal had been living on the streets of Khanna city for nearly 30 years. Despite his dire circumstances, he remained dedicated to the teachings of Guru Sahib, donating whatever money he received from begging to support langar seva. Tragically, Bir Pal was frequently attacked by drug-addicted youths...
Gurcharan Singh, a handsome young man, once worked at the Relaxo Footwear company. Two years ago, he left his job with dreams of moving abroad. However, his plans did not materialize, leading to severe mental distress. Overwhelmed by his situation, Gurcharan’s behavior became increasingly aggressive.In his turmoil, Gurcharan...
Gurmel Singh hailed from a prosperous Virk landlord family. Their home was the first built-up house in the village, and they owned extensive land holdings. Notably, the renowned RIMT University now stands on what was once their land. Gurmel worked as a truck driver, but around 12 years...